#2030 Colorado’s Expeditions of Discovery

06/22/2021 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM MT


#2030 Colorado’s Expeditions of Discovery

Instructor: Katherine Sturdevant

Zebulon Pike, Stephen Long, and John C. Fremont became American heroes of Colorado history by exploring our rugged reaches in the years between the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Colorado Gold Rush (1858-1859). Each expedition story has its high and low points, its colorful characters, its “girl left behind,” its “first” sightings and naming of sites, its harrowing hazards, its political intrigues, and its ability to crown a new American hero even if he must soon pass the crown on to the next fellow. Imagining the experiences without the inconveniences is an adventure.


Katherine Scott Sturdevant, MA, BA (History) from San Francisco State University, PhD Candidate (Public History) UC Santa Barbara. She is Pikes Peak Community College’s Senior History Professor and started teaching with what became PILLAR when PPCC first offered lifelong learning classes. She has won awards in teaching and diversity. Kathy serves as a speaker, writer, editor, and consultant for community history organizations such as the Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum and Pikes Peak Library District. Her first two books teach using historical method in family history. As a social historian, Kathy emphasizes past people’s authentic experiences.

Location: Zoom

Tuesday, June 22, 10am

$30 Non-PILLAR Member/$20 PILLAR Member