#2000 What are Satellites?

03/21/2023 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM MT


Tuesday, March 21, 11:15am - 12:45pm

#2000 Satellites

Instructor: Jamil Brown

We all talk about space but rarely do we talk about how and where to get educated about satellites and space operations. This class will serve as a high-level overview of satellites and space in general. 


Jamil Brown, MBA and MS in International Relations from Troy University. He is a national security researcher and practitioner. Jamil previously served as a fellow for the US Air Force Academy Institute for Future Conflict. In his previous role as an Air Force Academy instructor and fellow, he was responsible for leading the Dean’s future conflict and innovation education support efforts. In his current role he continues to coordinate future conflict research opportunities. Jamil has served as a satellite operator, space operations planner, and USAF Weapons School instructor. He has an undergraduate degree in economics. He also holds graduate degrees in international relations and business administration.

Members $30 / Non Members $50